Vestal Appelation Kaszebe 2010 Vintage

A Tasty Dram Whisky Blog tasting notes

V for Vodka

Vodka is very likely many people's first distilled experience. A perfect mixer with a fairly neutral flavour. From the ubiquitous Screwdriver to the Vodka Martini, many of these world famous cocktails owe a great deal to the pure spirit of vodka.

Unlike most spirits, vodka can be distilled from pretty much anything agricultural. Grains and potatoes are the most commonly used products. But also grapes and more funky stuff like cheese can be turned into vodka.

Vestal Vodka was set up in Poland by father John and son William Borrell. The concept of terroir is no stranger to Vestal. By specifying the vintage and the potato varietal and only distilling once they put the focus on the product instead of the purity of the vodka. The Kaszebe vodka is distilled from potatoes grown in the sandy soils of Kaszubia region in northern Poland.

Identity Card Vestal Appelation Kaszebe 2010 Vintage

  • Appelation Kaszebe
  • Vintage 2010
  • Vineta potato from Kaszubia (Poland)
  • 40 % ABV
Vestal Kaszebe Vintage 2010

Tasting notes

Colour: A classic crystal clear white spirit.

Nose: This is miles away from your regular Smirnoff or Eristoff. Almonds and vanilla pods. Plenty of milk chocolate and cherry notes. Pleasantly sweet and soft with very little alcohol sting. Middle Eastern spices and flowers. A tiny touch or rhubarb. And potatoes, but that does not come as a real surprise, isn't it?

Taste: Creamy milk chocolate with a spicy bite and a silky mouthfeel. Blueberries sprinkled with cacao powder. Black pepper, mint and some parsley in the distance.

Finish: There's still a lot of those surprising chocolate notes and vanilla pudding. Perfect company for dessert.

ATD review Vestal Vodka Kaszebe 2010

Price: £63  / €88 (at Master of Malt)
The 2013 Vintage costs approx £31 or €41 at the Whisky Exchange.

Vestal goes against the flow of pure unpersonal vodka with their single distilled vodkas from certain potato varietals and deserves all the credit for it. This is spirit packed with flavour and has nothing to do with the vodkas I loved in my early twenties. Perfectly drinkable at room temperature, very likely to be a stunning cocktail ingredient.

I need a bottle of this for the cabinet, migiem (pronto in Polish)

Source and pictures: Vestal Vodka

Thanks for the sample Sjoerd!
